
Thank you for visiting Soul to Keep Music!

My name is Leyna, mother, homeschooling educator, singer songwriter, and a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This project began at our dining room table, memorizing scripture as a family.  What began as a project for the children ended up being just as much for ourselves, if not more so. The Holy Spirit reminds me of these verses at the most opportune times throughout the day and when I’m struggling.

We are living in this unique time of history where there is division, anger, confusion, fear, anxiety, and depression.  God placed us in this world, here and now, for His purpose.  It is a time for all Christians to rise up, wearing the full armor of God.  We hope this website helps equip you and your family to better memorize the Word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17).

Our Goal: to get these verses out to as many people as possible.  We want to get to know our community so please share these verses with your friends and provide comments, feedback, testimonials, and ways that God is speaking to you through His word.

Our Vision: to collaborate with Christians who identify with this project.  We are starting simple.  However, if musicians would like to contribute their parts to fill out the sound of the melodies, we welcome that!  If tech savvy people would like to build out our website, an app, social promotions, and so forth, we would love that as well!  We trust God to grow this as He desires.  We are starting small and letting Him find the community and the development.

We serve a Mighty God and wish for our lives to grow more and more in tune with His desires as we obey Him through the use of our talents for His glory.  We pray for our children, and their generation, that they will fall in love with Jesus and that we would lead them to Christ by example.

What does that look like for you?  How is God calling you and your family into His service?  We welcome and encourage your feedback!  What is God speaking to you?  How can we change the course of history together?

We have an all powerful and sovereign God.  What an honor that he invites us to participate in His perfect plan!

Welcome to the Soul To Keep Music community!

In Christ,




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